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Organiserade Aspergare

Organiserade Aspergare is an interest group formed by and for autistic people, i.e. people who have or think they are likely to have a diagnosis on the autism spectrum. Since we want to work without the involvement of neurotypical people (NT), our association is aimed at relatively independent autistic people. That is, to be able to participate in the activities of the association and to speak for oneself and the association.

In OA we work on several levels. Above all, we meet to socialise, form friendships and by being a social support for each other. Together we are strong and only our own imagination and commitment sets limits to what we can achieve.

What is right and what is wrong?

What is up and down?
Who is right and who is wrong?
Left or right?

It’s in the eye of the beholder and it’s all about perspective.
If I stand on my hands, it might be right for me.

In an inclusive society, no one is wrong.

We are all unique!

Just because we have been diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome, for example, does not mean that we are a group of people who function in exactly the same way. We all have different needs and my weaknesses can be someone else’s strengths. Just like people without a diagnosis. In addition, we all have different areas of interest. Thus, we also do not want to be lumped together and placed in one place, as if we were all functioning in one context.

We stand for the perspective of neurodiversity and believe that neurological abnormalities are a natural part of normal human variation.

We are also on social media!